An Ode to Procrastination…
Back in 2016 we redesigned our website and decided to add a blog. We rolled it out with no content and planned to come back and add some right away…

That didn’t happen.
Our poor blog page sat their embarrassingly empty for about a year. We talked about it often in marketing meetings, but much like the gym membership that you just know you SHOULD be using, we refused to cut our losses and just left it there as a constant reminder that we need to get back into creative writing shape … but not until next week though, starting on Monday, probably.
Jan 1, 2017 New Years Day: We will launch the blog this year, we resolved. We even had a party called “Blog Launch Party.”

But it wasn’t until December 21, 2017 that we finally got ONE BLOG POST live: TINKER’S LIST OF TECH GIFTS THAT INNOVATED TOO FAR.
(Technically speaking, we did actually launch the blog in 2017. Resolution achieved. Add one to the win column.)
One blog post about “smart” condoms and shoes that are also vacuum cleaners led to $750,000 of new bid potential in my inbox. Umm…wow… that was easy. So given the outrageous and ridiculous success of our first post, you may be asking yourself, why am I only reading your second blog post on March 19, 2019? 15 months later? Why you ask?

Because, I’m a terrible, horrible, no good procrastinator. And the reason I know this is true is because I will often catch myself googling “how to stop procrastinating” when there is something I need to do, that I’m not ENTIRELY sure how to start.
“You don’t know a single thing about blogs or copywriting or content creation. You build software and software teams. You should just stay in your lane Valenti… the voice of self-doubt whispers in my ear. Just wait until they find out you had to google “how to add a hyperlink in WordPress“… it will be so embarrassing for you…”
Well, Shut up Voice of Self-Doubt! We know a lot about technology development and how to build technology teams and we think it is finally time we share our tips, tricks, tactics and adventures with our clients and the broader Tinker community. Hopefully, we can do just that, in a format that isn’t mind-numbingly boring.
2019 is our year. Maybe, Probably.